Luck enhancement Gem Pendants are made from three different semi precious stones and they are specifically made to improve and strengthen a persons horoscope.
In any horoscope, the houses forming the “Trikon“ i.e. the First, Fifth and the Ninth house are supposed to be the most important houses. The first house or the “Lagna“ represents the entire personality of the person where as the fifth house represents the intellect, education, children and the ninth house represents the Luck ( Bhagya ). If the above three houses are strong i.e. the Lords of these houses are strong and benefic then there is no doubt that a person becomes Happy, Healthy, Wealthy and famous as per the stipulations laid out by most eminent astrologers.
The stones used in the Luck Enhancement Lockets represents the Lords of the above three houses.
Semi precious substitutes of Coral + Pearl + Yellow Sapphire
In Vrischik Lagna, the Lords of the first, fifth and the ninth houses are Mars, Jupiter and Moon respectively and therefore this Luck Enhancement Pendant has been made using Coral, Pearl and Yellow Sapphire ( substitute stones of these Gems ).
1.25 to 1.5 inches approx