| LIBRA (September 23 - October 22) | BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT ZODIAC SIGN - LIBRA SYMBOL The Scales RULING PLANET Venus ELEMENT Air (intellect & communication) MODALITY Cardinal (creative) COLOR Blue, Lavender, Pastel Green METAL Copper POLARITY Aries Special Quality - I BALANCE | POSITIVES : Diplomatic, Active, Urbane, Romantic, Charming, easygoing, sociable, idealistic, optimistic, affectionate, artistic, peaceable, polished, socially inclined, and good at understanding another person's point of view. They are superb listeners and sticklers for fairness. | NEGATIVES : Indecisive, Changeable, frivolous, gullible, easily influenced, flirtatious, self-indulgent, stubborn and a narcissist at heart. | HEALTH CONCERNS : Libra governs the lumbar region, lower back and kidneys. Its subjects must beware of weaknesses in the back, and lumbago, and they are susceptible to troubles in the kidneys and bladder, especially gravel and stone. They need to avoid overindulgence in food and especially drink, for the latter can particularly harm the kidneys. | PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS : Tall slender, well proportioned strong body, handsome appearance, fine skin, baldness in middle age, eyebrows add to the beauty, nose little bent like parrot, gap in teeth, raised forehead. | POSITIVES - I BALANCE | - Librans wish for peace and harmony between all and have a talent for bringing different sides together and mediating.
| - Librans have good critical faculty and are able to stand back and look impartially at matters. Librans are known for making impartial judgments.
| - Librans can see the needs of others, almost psychically.
| - Libras natural charm allows you to smooth the most ruffled feather.
| - Libra is the zodiac sign of partnerships, thus whether in work or in social situations you pull people towards you with your charm. Being alone in anything is not your cup of tea.
| NEGATIVES - Vanity | - Librans expect admiration. You dress for it, your work for it, you demand it. Don't get caught up in the danger of vanity.
| - Librans are easily charmed by others and therefore don't see what truly lies beneath, whether it be good or bad.
| - Librans have a love for beauty and extravagantness and therefore can forgo the more important things in life and this often leads to financial problems.
| - Librans can be easily suckered into schemes by other charmers. Be more analytical when it comes to financial situations.
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